April’s arrival ushers in the season of growth and renewal. From the first flowers that bloom along tree branches to the sturdy green stems leaping ever taller to burst into full flower, spring never ceases to amaze and inspire.
After winter’s quietude, the world feels suddenly alive with color and song. The shift in seasons isn’t solely physical, however. April is a month of emotional and spiritual growth, as well. Suddenly, we find the rhythms of our days stretching longer to mimic the sun's higher arc. Where we turned inward during winter, we once again crave the opportunity to be creative, to be more active in body and mind, and to shake off the routines we’ve settled into to grow stronger, more open, more connected to ourselves and others.
What does growth mean to you? Perhaps it’s a chance to reconnect to your spiritual practice, or to keep a promise you’ve made to yourself. Maybe it’s pushing out of your comfort zone to travel more, to connect with strangers, to support your local community in a new and meaningful way. Perhaps growth means running an extra mile, or meeting your yoga mat regularly. Or maybe it means getting quiet for a few minutes a day so you feel more centered and focused to show up for yourself and your loved ones.
However you define growth, we hope April inspires you to go for it. Make the leap, no matter how small. Push off the constraints you’ve placed on yourself and feel your chest expand with breath and joy. Growth can be challenging, but it can also be freeing. It can be edifying. Nature is telling us through its own beautiful and brilliant actions: Now is the moment to embrace growth. We promise you won’t regret it.
April's Mantra
"I welcome this chance for growth; I step more fully into myself."
Symbol of the Month: TREE OF LIFE
A symbol of deep grounding and faith, the tree of life encourages us to become deeply rooted so we may grow and flourish.
[Shop Tree of Life]
Gemstone for April: DIAMOND
Brilliant diamond—stone of clarity, abundance, and power—scatters light and shines its radiance, a reminder for us to do the same.
[Shop Diamond]
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