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The Creative Journey: 5 Steps to Reawaken Inspiration

The journey to creative inspiration can be an infinitely fulfilling one. When we are in alignment and our creativity is flowing, it seems as if all the world is opening up to us and revealing its beauty. When creative blockages emerge, however—due to stress, self-doubt or simply becoming stagnant in our own routines—inspiration can seem increasingly elusive. This month, we’re diving deep into the creative journey and sharing our steps to reawaken inspiration—just in time to greet spring, the season of renewal!

Five Steps to Reawaken Inspiration

1. Go Deep Within

Quiet time is essential for reawakening creative inspiration. We can’t possibly tap into a creative flow when we’re being pulled in numerous directions—simultaneously, no less! Setting aside quiet time daily to meditate (with or without  your favorite gemstone mala) and to journal afterwards will help re-focus your intention and open your pathways to creative energy.


2. Reach Outside of Yourself

Just as we don’t exist in a vacuum, neither do our creative muses. Inspiration can come from anywhere, but the chances of it sparking when you’re in front of your computer or staring at your phone are slim. We love taking a page from The Artist’s Way and making an artist’s date with ourselves every week. Whether you treat yourself to a stroll around your favorite neighborhood or park, see a museum exhibit or movie, getting out of your head and into real life where others are creating can be exactly what you need to get un-stuck. If you have time, scheduling a creative getaway can serve as a powerful push to getting back on the creative track! Not sure where to start? Check out our Satya Journeys creative retreat in Mexico, where for a week, your creativity will be fostered, encouraged and honored. (Did we mention it’s on the beach?!)


3. Break Through the Barrier

Creating for creating’s sake can serve as a powerful tool to re-awaken inspiration. Without the pressure of deadlines or finishing a certain project that’s just not coming together, you can fall back in love with the creative process. Try an outlet that’s not usually on the menu: If you’re a writer, try painting or drawing. If you’re a designer, try writing something. Mixing it up can help take the pressure off, and infuse fun into your creative flow, once again! Need a little totem to help you along your way? Ganesha is the remover of obstacles and bestower of success. Reach for him to help clear your path and unblock your energy so you can break through your creative barriers.

Mandala Coloring

4. Give Thanks for Your Gifts

Gratitude goes a long way in helping re-awaken inspiration. When if feels like your creative gifts have abandoned you, take a few moments to give thanks for experiencing and harnessing them in the first place. It will help remind you—and the Universe—that you’ve been able to create before, and you will certainly be able to create once again. Putting it out there is a powerful signal that you recognize your talents, and are ready to receive inspiration, however it manifests itself.


5. Emerge from the Creative Cocoon

As the spring sunshine warms the earth to coax the flower into bloom, let your creativity emerge from the warmth of your self creative care. Your creative journey will not always be a straight line—but with patience, and mindful choices about how to reawaken inspiration, getting “un-stuck” is the sweetest destination. Add a reminder about how far you’ve come with the Serene Journey bracelet set, these gemstone bracelets are the embodiment of spring’s renewal (plus, the sweet elephants symbolize wisdom, peace and good fortune).

Lastly, don’t just save these tips for when panic sets in; enacting inspiring habits when you’re in a good creative space can help stave off that dreaded creative rut. Ready, set, let your creative journey begin!


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